Wednesday, 22 February 2012

some fun creative stuff

I have finally had the chance to do some of the fun creative stuff that I enjoy this last couple of weeks! 

We had an amicable discussion about an appropriate shelf / table for the entrance hall which actually resulted in Project Manager agreeing that he liked my idea and even being keen enough to build it for me.
I cut a template out of newspaper and then transferred it to a piece of MDF for cutting.  Once project manager had cut it and screwed it, I was able to get on with decorating.

I spent a few evenings perusing wrapping paper in the celubrious farm shops and gift shops but didn't find anything I liked.  Then, whilst on my weekly supermarket shop, I thought I'd just check there was nothing and found exactly what I wanted - a busy, colourful, design with plenty scope for hiding imperfections.
I set to with my PVA glue over a couple of evenings to cover the wood with paper. 

Once it was completely covered I then had to patiently apply several thin coats of varnish to give it a good finish.

And voila!  A shelf for all the daily junk like diaries, phones and wallets.  It still needs a drawer but I'm liking it already...

1 comment:

  1. Well now here is the reason right here! Renovating a house is a big time stealer! Check this shelf out, I'm blown away by it. Your passion is clearly being put to work in the home, we renovated our house seven years ago - with no kids and I vowed never to do it again -bits still aren't done! Anyhoo, my passion is... well writing, so that explains it. Also I'm new to this game, finding it all quite novel. Posts may indeed dwindle! Have a great day. x
